Aug 19, 2008

Augmented Reality

Of the many potential uses of Augmented Reality (AR), the current use as an interface device is quite interesting. VTT in Finland has developed a prototype of an AR system for viewing 3D models, along with an input device, using markers on a table with a head mounted display for each viewer. This can provide an interactive collaborative environment where different people have different views of a 3D model (with potentially different information) yet they remain collocated. If the challenges of the awkward glasses, occlusion issues (e.g., how do you point to something in the middle of the model with another person seeing what you are pointing to), tracking stability and others can be overcome, this could be the 3D display and interface of choice for many applications in the future, at least until an effective holographic display can be developed. A video of the prototype can be found demo section at

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